Want to understand how to sell a business?
Our 10-Point Business Sale Checklist will help to make your business exit as smooth and profitable as possible.
The checklist, created by our top team of AIBB registered professional business brokers comprehensively covers everything from:
  • ​How to know if your business is actually sellable (74% of businesses that list for sale aren't).
  • ​Which financial documents to have prepared for valuation and buyer due diligence.
  • ​How to decide if you should use a business broker vs doing the sale yourself.
  • ​Valuing your business.
  • ​How to maximise your business value and increase the appeal to buyers.
  • ​Legal, regulatory and tax considerations you should be aware of ahead of a sale.
  • ​Analysis of the current market environment.
  • ​How to create an effective sales and marketing strategy.
  • ​Planning and preparing for a smooth transition of ownership.
get the '10-Point Business Sale Checklist'
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We are the only AIBB registered business brokers in Townsville, as well as being a part of the Benchmark Business Sales network which sells more than 170 businesses each year.

This means that the information in our checklist is based on industry leading knowledge and real world experience.

Some of what is covered in our complimentary 10-Point Business Sale Checklist includes:
  • ​When it makes sense to sell and when not to.
  • Why valuations from accountants and even most brokers are usually inaccurate an could see you waste 6-12 months when trying to sell.
  • ​The pros and cons of different potential deal structures.
  • ​At what exact point to let your staff members know that you're intending on selling
  • ​The different ways to value a business and how to know which is most suitable for your business.
  • ​The specific financial documentation you'll need to get ready to give business the best chance of selling at a high price.
  • ​Legal pitfalls to avoid throughout the sale.
  • Why 74% of businesses that get put up for sale never sell, and how to make sure yours is one that does.
  • ​Understanding buyer psychology and motivations and how to appeal to their interests to increase the chance of a sale.
  • Pros and cons of selling your business yourself or using a broker.
  • 6 quick tips for marketing your business effectively... and more
Plus get an extra bonus, on us...
Along with The Business Sale Checklist we'll also include, at no charge, a short Saleability Score Call where by understanding some basic questions about your business we'll be able to give you a score on how saleable and attractive your business might be to potential buyers. You'll also receive, based on business' score, customised information on how to make it more appealing to buyers, which will in turn provide you with a higher sale price if you ever do want to sell.
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